866-321-CHEF   |   info@bigcitychefs.com

Multifamily Classes

The Most Fun and Unique Way for Residents to Meet

We engage your residents, forge social connections, and maximize your community’s resident retention through our unique brand of culinary camaraderie.


One of the multifamily industry’s fastest growing amenities, our fun, interactive cooking classes turn your clubhouse into the heart of your community.

Cooking Classes

Mixology & Wine

Virtual Classes

Bring in Big City Chefs

Hundreds of luxury communities from coast-to-coast have trusted us to bring together tens of thousands of residents as friends and neighbors around a shared love of cooking and entertaining.

Allow us to build your property’s own community-building culinary program to upgrade your lifestyle and increase resident retention.

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Monthly Cuisines

Every month has a new theme. Check in for seasonal specials.

Did You Know?

Big City Chefs got it’s start with the Food Network on Private Chefs of Beverly Hills. Check out a clip here.